This is a list of all Player Characters (PCs) to have been run in Aquerra campaigns. It is important to note that some of the PCs listed here are not to be found on the campaigns page, as they were involved in games too short to merit the title "campaign". Unfortunately, a handful have been lost to time. Of the characters listed here 90 were 2E characters (or originally created under 2E rules), while 43 were 3.xE characters. Eight of the 2E (those from the Company of the Rod campaign) were converted mid-campaign to 3E versions.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Adder
- Aeron Sark
- Aesa of Mielikki
- Alexander Calloway
- Alliestar Doomsfall
- Allura
- Anarie Mathalíel
- Angelica Pluma of Shu
- Annika Storm
- Ariel of Tefnut
- Aron Wisprunner
- Autumn of Fallon
- Bastian Sinuhe
- Beorth Sahkmet
- Bernardo the Modest
- "Black" Adair Bannon
- Bleys Winter
- Broderick Loy
- Brook Lynn
- Calimistrae
- Camryn Thorne
- Cargo
- Cieladorn le Verde
- Cinder
- Clede Ip
- Clôth of Ukko
- Corwin MacComber
- Dalamar the Quick
- Danotholin Deepwater
- Derek Jamison
- Diego Almanchar
- Dresden the Black
- Holy Ensign Drevindor of Tefnut
- Eläyas the Scarred
- Ellis Wintergreen
- Emelyn Twynam of Ra
- Escher of Fallon
- Ethan the Pearl
- Falen
- Fitch Harper
- Gagaylia Silvergarn
- Ganelon Entwood
- Geigy Silvergarn
- Gilvorak Steelhand
- Glorfindel Estelenoth II
- Sir Grefan Grandanson Gaunt
- Gregori the Brown
- Gwar of Hamlet
- Gwar of Westron
- Henry Beetle Hough
- Hôl of Ahto
- Horatio the Hornet
- Horatio Pritchard (aka Jebediah Groomer)
- Ian the Average
- Illiam of Thoth
- Jack the Red
- Jana of Westron
- Javier d'Letan
- Jenna Sandlorn
- Jeremy Northrop
- John Smith
- Jonas Fawkes
- Kale
- Kaolin Lasceter
- Kara
- Kazrack Delver
- Kierah Greenpeace of Mielikki
- Kierith of Nephthys
- Laarus Raymer of Ra
- Linka
- Logan Naismith
- Luatha Vain
- Malcolm MacDuligh
- March Raton
- Markos Ackers
- Martin the Green
- Miguel Nalio
- Militaides of Anhur
- Morel del Cielo
- Muldar Chislar
- Naast the Dark
- Capt. Nathaniel Coram
- Nolbolnam
- Nyasanu Free
- Obsidian
- Octavion Malathias Swann
- Ogilli Jingaro
- Palatino of Ra
- Pinto Thimble
- Pravin Guln
- Quinlan of Nephthys
- Randall Thaenar
- Rastfar Buhrad-Puhn
- Ratchis of Nephthys
- Raven Horus-daughter
- Realgar Hyssop
- Riley McNaut
- Roanne Everblade
- Robert of Fallon
- Roland Erimecia of Bast
- Rowena of Thor
- Ryan the Diseased
- Saith Lyton
- Savion Gold
- Seamus of Anhur
- The Silent One
- Simon Cjurst
- Sinclair
- Skurge of the North
- "Swampstop" Johnson
- Tarm'ah mah-Anathrah
- Tarsonis Fafhrdson
- Telémakhos Briareus
- Thane Galore the Dragon-Slayer
- Thar'keth
- Thraxus Orc-masher
- Timotheus Smith
- Tolman Babbage (aka Fat Tom)
- Tyrus
- Ulrich Macen
- Ulthis Marális
- Uri the Marked
- Victoria Ostrander of Anhur
- Vivian of Isis
- Wey Yun of the Cat Goddess
- William Morgan
- Willie Dobil
- Wrenchard Valinson
- Xerik Dy'lych
- Yorick Olafson
- Zatana
- Zhu-li M'buto
- Zoe
See also: Campaigns, NPCs, Player Characters (by class), Player Characters (by race), Player Characters (by region), The Great Warriors of the Age, The Great Wizards of the Age, Back to Top